Bushfield Down Supporters Group

Working to preserve
Bushfield Down
and its surrounding area




Home Page



Contact Details



Documents and reports



Fauna & Flora Details

Photographs: Public meeting -  20th September 2003


Photographs: Bushfield Down Area



Every effort is made to ensure that the information published on this web site is accurate and up to date.

The information is published to better inform local residents and interested parties about the issues surrounding the use of the Bushfield area by local residents of Badger Farm, Olivers Battery, St. Cross, Stanmore and other areas within Winchester. However, no warranty can be given as to the accuracy, reliability, or suitability for purpose, of the information on the site, and accordingly all users who rely on this information do so at their own risk.

If you are aware that any of the information here contains mistakes or needs updating, please tell us.

Neither the web site owner nor any other member of the above communities can be responsible for any loss, damage, claim or expense whatsoever, incurred directly or indirectly as a result of use of any information on this site. Nor can they be responsible for any loss or damage caused to any computer system as a result of the use of this website, although every effort is taken to ensure this is unlikely. Users are strongly urged to ensure they have suitable anti-virus protection on any machine used to access this site.


©2008 BushfieldDown.co.uk